Gradients, Toasts & more
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AdvancedChat has a full support of MiniMessage - syntax to use gradients, hover, clickable messages and other tricks.
Gradient colored text
Transitions between colors. Similar to a gradient, but everything is the same color and the phase chooses that color
To learn more about MiniMessage, you can check out this page:
Allows to change the font of the text
Nothing <font:uniform>Uniform <font:alt>Alt </font> Uniform
Convert text to small caps font
<sc>Example of Small Caps</sc>
, the selector pattern to insert
(optional), the separator to insert between values the selector matches
Hello <selector:@e[limit=5]>, I'm <selector:@s>!
Allow insertion of text into chat via shift click
, the text to insert
Shift-click <insert:test>this</insert> to insert!
Allows doing multiple things when clicking on the component.
, the type of click event, one of this list
, the argument for that particular event, refer to the minecraft wiki
<click:run_command:/seed>Click</click> to show the world seed!
Close all currently open tags, resetting color/decoration/etc. The reset tag cannot be closed.
And so much more! Visit the wiki page with full explanation here:
Some text and messages here are provided from Kyori's Adventure wiki post. Big thanks to them for creating the library.
AdvancedChat lets you send your message in the form that you wish! You can use this anywhere in the plugin, from locale file to announcements.
Example: 'This is a chat message!'
Example: "[ACTION_BAR]This is an action bar message!"
Example: "[TITLE]This is a title!"
Example: "[SUBTITLE]And this is a subtitle!"
progress - number with decimal, from 0.0 to 1.0, define progress of bossbar
Example: "[BOSS_BAR:1.0:GREEN:PROGRESS]Important announcement here!"