Auto Announcements

Announce important messages in chat automatically

Auto Announcements enhance community engagement by automatically scheduling and broadcasting messages in chat. This feature is perfect for sharing updates, important notices, or just adding a bit of fun to the community environment, ensuring that all members are kept informed and involved without manual effort.

Configuration: announcements.yml

# Announcements Configuration
enabled: true

# Should announcements order be random?
random: true

# Announcements interval in seconds
interval: 300

  - first
  - second

    - '<gradient:white:aqua:white><strikethrough>                                                                  </gradient>'
    - ' '
    - "  <white>Join our Discord server by using <aqua><click:open_url:''>Clicking Here!</click></aqua>"
    - ' '
    - '<gradient:white:aqua:white><strikethrough>                                                                  </gradient>'
    - '<gradient:white:aqua:white><strikethrough>                                                                  </gradient>'
    - ' '
    - ' <white>Report players violating the rules using <aqua>/report'
    - ' '
    - '<gradient:white:aqua:white><strikethrough>                                                                  </gradient>'

Key Settings Explained

  • enabled: Activates the auto announcements feature.

  • random: Determines whether announcements are displayed in a random order. When set to true, announcements are selected at random; otherwise, they follow the sequence specified in order.

  • interval: Defines the time interval between announcements in seconds. In this example, a new announcement is made every 300 seconds (5 minutes).

  • order: Specifies the order of announcements when random is set to false. Announcements will be made in the sequence listed here.

  • announcements: Contains the actual announcement messages. Each announcement can include multiple lines, styled with formatting codes, including gradients and clickable links.

Last updated