The AdvancedChatAPI provides a comprehensive interface for developers to interact with and extend the functionalities of the AdvancedChat plugin. Located within the net.advancedplugins.chat.api package, this API class is the gateway to integrating custom chat features, such as channels, games, formats, and rules, into your Minecraft server.

API is located in net.advancedplugins.chat.api.AdvancedChatAPI class.

All API Methods

Here are the all API methods, with documentation included

package net.advancedplugins.chat.api;
public class AdvancedChatAPI {
    private static final AdvancedChatAPI api = new AdvancedChatAPI();

     * Retrieves a chat channel by its name.
     * @param channelName The name of the chat channel.
     * @return The chat channel if found, otherwise null.
    public @Nullable ChatChannel getChatChannel(@NotNull String channelName) {}

     * Checks if a chat channel exists by its name.
     * @param channelName The name of the chat channel.
     * @return True if the chat channel exists, otherwise false.
    public boolean isChatChannel(@NotNull String channelName) {}

     * Retrieves a list of all chat channels.
     * @return A list of all chat channels.
    public @NotNull List<ChatChannel> getChatChannels() {}

     * Retrieves a list of chat channels allowed for a command sender.
     * @param sender The command sender.
     * @return A list of allowed chat channels for the sender.
    public @NotNull List<ChatChannel> getAllowedChatChannels(@NotNull CommandSender sender) {}

     * Retrieves the chat channel of a player by their UUID.
     * @param uuid The UUID of the player.
     * @return The player's chat channel if found, otherwise null.
    public @Nullable ChatChannel getPlayerChatChannel(@NotNull UUID uuid) {}

     * Checks if a player is in a chat channel.
     * @param uuid The UUID of the player.
     * @return True if the player is in a chat channel, otherwise false.
    public boolean isPlayerInChannel(@NotNull UUID uuid) {}

     * Attempts to make a player join a chat channel by their UUID and channel name.
     * @param uuid        The UUID of the player.
     * @param channelName The name of the chat channel.
     * @return True if the player successfully joined the channel, otherwise false.
    public boolean joinChatChannel(@NotNull UUID uuid, @NotNull String channelName) {}

     * Makes a player join a chat channel by their UUID and channel object.
     * @param uuid    The UUID of the player.
     * @param channel The chat channel object.
     * @return True if the player successfully joined the channel, otherwise false.
    public boolean joinChatChannel(@NotNull UUID uuid, @NotNull ChatChannel channel) {}

     * Makes a player leave their current chat channel.
     * @param uuid The UUID of the player.
    public void leaveChatChannel(@NotNull UUID uuid) {}

     * Makes a player leave a specific chat channel by their UUID and channel name.
     * @param uuid        The UUID of the player.
     * @param channelName The name of the chat channel.
     * @return True if the player successfully left the channel, otherwise false.
    public boolean leaveChatChannel(@NotNull UUID uuid, @NotNull String channelName) {}

     * Makes a player leave a specific chat channel by their UUID and channel object.
     * @param uuid    The UUID of the player.
     * @param channel The chat channel object.
     * @return True if the player successfully left the channel, otherwise false.
    public boolean leaveChatChannel(@NotNull UUID uuid, @NotNull ChatChannel channel) {}

     * Retrieves a set of channels spied by a player.
     * @param player The player.
     * @return A set of channels spied by the player.
    public @NotNull Set<String> getSpiedChannels(@NotNull Player player) {}

     * Enables or disables spying on all channels for a player.
     * @param player The player.
     * @param enable True to enable, false to disable.
    public void setAllChannelSpy(@NotNull Player player, boolean enable) {}

     * Checks if a player is spying on all channels.
     * @param player The player.
     * @return True if the player is spying on all channels, otherwise false.
    public boolean isSpyingOnAllChannels(@NotNull Player player) {}

     * Checks if a player is spying on a specific channel by name.
     * @param player      The player.
     * @param channelName The name of the chat channel.
     * @return True if the player is spying on the channel, otherwise false.
    public boolean isSpyingOnChannel(@NotNull Player player, @NotNull String channelName) {}

     * Checks if a player is spying on a specific channel by chat channel object.
     * @param player  The player.
     * @param channel The chat channel object.
     * @return True if the player is spying on the channel, otherwise false.
    public boolean isSpyingOnChannel(@NotNull Player player, @NotNull ChatChannel channel) {}

     * Removes a channel spy for a player by channel name.
     * @param player      The player from whom to remove the spy.
     * @param channelName The name of the channel to remove from spying.
     * @return True if the spy was removed successfully, otherwise false.
    public boolean removeChannelSpy(@NotNull Player player, @NotNull String channelName) {}

     * Removes a channel spy for a player by chat channel object.
     * @param player The player from whom to remove the spy.
     * @param channel The chat channel to remove from spying.
     * @return True if the spy was removed successfully, otherwise false.
    public boolean removeChannelSpy(@NotNull Player player, @NotNull ChatChannel channel) {}

     * Adds a channel spy for a player by channel name.
     * @param player      The player to add the spy.
     * @param channelName The name of the channel to spy on.
     * @return True if the spy was added successfully, otherwise false.
    public boolean addChannelSpy(@NotNull Player player, @NotNull String channelName) {}

     * Adds a channel spy for a player by chat channel object.
     * @param player The player to add the spy.
     * @param channel The chat channel to spy on.
     * @return True if the spy was added successfully, otherwise false.
    public boolean addChannelSpy(@NotNull Player player, @NotNull ChatChannel channel) {}

     * Retrieves a set of ignored players for a given player.
     * @param player The player whose ignored players are to be retrieved.
     * @return A set of ignored players.
    public @NotNull Set<String> getIgnoredPlayers(@NotNull Player player) {}

     * Ignores all players for a given player.
     * @param player The player who will ignore all other players.
    public void setAllPlayerIgnore(@NotNull Player player) {}

     * Removes all player ignore settings for a given player.
     * @param player The player whose ignore settings are to be removed.
    public void removeAllPlayerIgnore(@NotNull Player player) {}

     * Checks if a player is ignoring all other players.
     * @param player The player to check.
     * @return True if the player is ignoring all other players, otherwise false.
    public boolean hasAllPlayersIgnored(@NotNull Player player) {}

     * Checks if a player is ignoring another player by name.
     * @param player      The player to check.
     * @param playerName  The name of the player to check against the ignore list.
     * @return True if the player is ignoring the specified player, otherwise false.
    public boolean hasPlayerIgnored(@NotNull Player player, @NotNull String playerName) {}

     * Removes an ignored player for a given player.
     * @param player      The player from whom to remove the ignored player.
     * @param playerName  The name of the player to remove from the ignore list.
     * @return True if the ignored player was removed successfully, otherwise false.
    public boolean removePlayerIgnore(@NotNull Player player, @NotNull String playerName) {}

     * Adds an ignored player for a given player.
     * @param player      The player to add the ignored player.
     * @param playerName  The name of the player to add to the ignore list.
     * @return True if the ignored player was added successfully, otherwise false.
    public boolean addPlayerIgnore(@NotNull Player player, @NotNull String playerName) {}

     * Checks if a permissible entity can bypass the ignore list.
     * @param permissible The permissible entity to check.
     * @return True if the permissible entity can bypass the ignore list, otherwise false.
    public boolean canBypassIgnore(@NotNull Permissible permissible) {}

     * Retrieves a set of spied players for a given player.
     * @param player The player whose spied players are to be retrieved.
     * @return A set of spied players.
    public @NotNull Set<String> getSpiedPlayers(@NotNull Player player) {}

     * Sets a player to spy on all other players.
     * @param player The player who will spy on all other players.
    public void setAllPlayerSpy(@NotNull Player player) {}

     * Removes spy settings for all players for a given player.
     * @param player The player whose spy settings are to be removed.
    public void removeAllPlayerSpy(@NotNull Player player) {}

     * Checks if a player is spying on all other players.
     * @param player The player to check.
     * @return True if the player is spying on all other players, otherwise false.
    public boolean isSpyingOnAllPlayers(@NotNull Player player) {}

     * Checks if a player is spying on another player by name.
     * @param player      The player to check.
     * @param playerName  The name of the player to check against the spy list.
     * @return True if the player is spying on the specified player, otherwise false.
    public boolean isSpyingOnPlayer(@NotNull Player player, @NotNull String playerName) {}

     * Removes a spy setting for a specific player for a given player.
     * @param player      The player from whom to remove the spy setting.
     * @param playerName  The name of the player to stop spying on.
     * @return True if the spy setting was removed successfully, otherwise false.
    public boolean removePlayerSpy(@NotNull Player player, @NotNull String playerName) {}

     * Adds a spy setting for a specific player for a given player.
     * @param player      The player to add the spy setting.
     * @param playerName  The name of the player to start spying on.
     * @return True if the spy setting was added successfully, otherwise false.
    public boolean addPlayerSpy(@NotNull Player player, @NotNull String playerName) {}

     * Retrieves the custom chat color of a player.
     * @param player The player whose custom chat color is to be retrieved.
     * @return The custom chat color of the player, or null if not set.
    public @Nullable CustomChatColor getPlayerCustomColor(@NotNull Player player) {}

     * Retrieves a custom chat color by its name.
     * @param colorName The name of the custom chat color.
     * @return The custom chat color if found, otherwise null.
    public @Nullable CustomChatColor getCustomColor(@NotNull String colorName) {}

     * Retrieves a set of players from a cross-server context.
     * @return A set of player names from cross-server.
    public @NotNull Set<String> getCrossServerPlayers() {}

     * Checks if a command or alias is a custom command.
     * @param cmdOrAlias The command or alias to check.
     * @return True if the command is custom, otherwise false.
    public boolean isCustomCommand(@NotNull String cmdOrAlias) {}

     * Registers a custom command.
     * @param key           The key for the custom command.
     * @param customCommand The custom command object.
     * @return True if registration was successful, otherwise false.
    public boolean registerCustomCommand(@NotNull String key, @NotNull CustomCommand customCommand) {}

     * Unregisters a custom command.
     * @param name The name of the custom command to unregister.
     * @return True if the command was unregistered, otherwise false.
    public boolean unregisterCustomCommand(@NotNull String name) {}

     * Retrieves a map of all custom commands.
     * @return A map containing all custom commands.
    public @NotNull Map<String, CustomCommand> getCustomCommands() {}

     * Adds a chat format to the formatting handler.
     * @param formatName The name of the chat format.
     * @param format     The chat format object.
    public void addChatFormat(@NotNull String formatName, @NotNull ChatFormat format) {}

     * Retrieves the chat format for a sender.
     * @param sender The command sender.
     * @return The chat format for the sender.
    public @NotNull ChatFormat getSenderChatFormat(@NotNull CommandSender sender) {}

     * Retrieves a chat format by its name.
     * @param formatName The name of the chat format.
     * @return The chat format if found, otherwise null.
    public @Nullable ChatFormat getChatFormat(@NotNull String formatName) {}

     * Checks if chat games are enabled.
     * @return True if chat games are enabled, otherwise false.
    public boolean areChatGamesEnabled() {}

     * Retrieves the running chat game.
     * @return The running chat game if exists, otherwise null.
    public @Nullable ChatGame getRunningChatGame() {}

     * Checks if any chat game is currently running.
     * @return True if a chat game is running, otherwise false.
    public boolean isChatGameRunning() {}

     * Starts a specific chat game.
     * @param game The chat game to start.
    public void startChatGame(@NotNull ChatGame game) {}

     * Starts a random chat game.
     * @param game The chat game to start.
    public void startRandomChatGame(@NotNull ChatGame game) {}

     * Retrieves all chat games.
     * @return A map containing all chat games.
    public @NotNull HashMap<String, ChatGame> getChatGames() {}

     * Retrieves the join message format for a player.
     * @param player The player to get the join message format for.
     * @return The join message format if set, otherwise null.
    public @Nullable JoinMessage getJoinMessageFormat(@NotNull Player player) {}

     * Opens the chat color menu for a player.
     * @param player The player to open the menu for.
    public void openChatColorMenu(@NotNull Player player) {}

     * Opens the chat tags menu for a player.
     * @param player The player to open the menu for.
    public void openChatTagsMenu(@NotNull Player player) {}

     * Retrieves the list of swear words.
     * @return A set of swear words.
    public @NotNull Set<String> getSwearWordList() {}

     * Processes a message for swear words.
     * @param sender The player sending the message.
     * @param msg    The message to process.
     * @return The result after processing the swear words.
    public @NotNull TextResult processMessageSwear(@NotNull Player sender, @NotNull String msg) {}

     * Adds a chat rule to the rule handler.
     * @param ruleName The name of the chat rule.
     * @param rule     The chat rule object.
    public void addChatRule(@NotNull String ruleName, @NotNull ChatRule rule) {}

     * Retrieves a chat rule by its name.
     * @param ruleName The name of the chat rule.
     * @return The chat rule if found, otherwise null.
    public @Nullable ChatRule getChatRule(@NotNull String ruleName) {}

     * Retrieves all chat rules.
     * @return A map containing all chat rules.
    public @NotNull Map<String, ChatRule> getChatRules() {}

     * Retrieves a chat tag by its name.
     * @param tagName The name of the chat tag.
     * @return The chat tag if found, otherwise null.
    public @Nullable ChatTag getChatTag(@NotNull String tagName) {}

     * Retrieves the chat tag name for a player.
     * @param player The player to get the chat tag name for.
     * @return The chat tag name if set for the player, otherwise null.
    public @Nullable String getPlayerChatTagName(@NotNull Player player) {}

     * Retrieves the chat tag associated with a player.
     * @param player The player to retrieve the chat tag for.
     * @return The chat tag associated with the player, or null if not found.
    public @Nullable ChatTag getPlayerChatTag(@NotNull Player player) {}

     * Sets a chat tag for a player using the tag name.
     * @param player  The player to set the chat tag for.
     * @param tagName The name of the chat tag to set.
    public void setChatTag(@NotNull Player player, @NotNull String tagName) {}

     * Sets a chat tag for a player using a ChatTag object.
     * @param player The player to set the chat tag for.
     * @param tag    The ChatTag object to set.
    public void setChatTag(@NotNull Player player, @NotNull ChatTag tag) {}

     * Retrieves a map of custom variables.
     * @return A map containing custom variables.
    public @NotNull Map<String, CustomVariable> getCustomVariables() {}

     * Registers a custom variable for a JavaPlugin.
     * @param plugin   The JavaPlugin registering the custom variable.
     * @param variable The custom variable to register.
    public void registerCustomVariable(@NotNull JavaPlugin plugin, @NotNull CustomVariable variable) {}

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