💾First Install

Guide on how to set up AdvancedChat for first time!

Follow steps from first to last - do not skip any steps.

Step 1 - Installing the plugin

  1. Stop the server.

  2. Make sure your server version is supported - they are listed here https://advancedplugins.net/item/AdvancedChat.188 We recommend using PaperMC or any other paper forks - special optimizations have been implemented with paper due to their improved world processing.

  3. Add AdvancedChat.jar plugin file to your server/plugins/ folder

  4. Recommended, optional. Add PlaceholderAPI.jar plugin file to your server, this will greatly enhance the functionality of AdvancedChat and placeholders. You can find the plugin here: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/placeholderapi.6245/

  5. Optional. Add ProtocolLib.jar plugin file to your server to enable Chat Text Customizer. Put the file in your server/plugins/ folder (ProtocolLib for latest MC versions available here: https://ci.dmulloy2.net/job/ProtocolLib/)

  6. Start the server.

Step 2 - Using the plugin

That's it! Now you have the best, most innovative Chat plugin available installed on your server. You can continue reading the wiki to learn more about in's and out's of AdvancedChat.

Last updated